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How do I cancel or change my booking?

How do I cancel or change my booking?

shoopit compares flight prices of various airlines and travel booking sites for you, as well as on their local versions that you are not shown, and will identify the lowest price for you. Select the lowest price you want from the deeper search we’ve conducted for you (in the pop-up on the top right corner of your browser tab if you’re using our extension, or in the shoopit search engine), and we will link you to the local site so that you can complete your booking.

Since the actual booking is connected to the airline or travel booking site you have selected, shoopit is not involved in the reservation and payment, and your reservation information cannot be verified.

Therefore, if you have any inquiries regarding reservation changes or cancellations, please contact the customer center of the airline or travel booking site  where you made the reservation. If you can't remember which reservation site you booked from, please check your payment details. If you look at the payment destination, you can check the reservation destination.